Kiddle Search for Kids

Kiddle is a safe visual search engine for kids. Unlike the normal search engines we adult use, the site returns safe search results and filter sites with explicit or deceptive content.

Kiddle for Kids

It returns kid-oriented results (Kiddle returns results for each query , in the order shown):

Safe sites and pages written specifically for kids. Handpicked and checked by Kiddle editors. Typically, results 1-3.

Safe, trusted sites that are not written specifically for kids, but have content written in a simple way, easy for kids to understand. Handpicked and checked by Kiddle editors.
Typically, results 4-7.

Safe, famous sites that are written for adults, providing expert content, but are harder for kids to understand. Filtered by Google safe search. Typically, results 8 onwards.

Compared to the normal Google Search, the results are shown with big thumbnails and large fonts.

Kinddle Search Results

Google Search Results

The websites included in Kiddle search are recommended by educators, librarians and parents from across the globe as well as websites Kiddle’s own editors have used in schools or for homework within the K-12 age range.

We have tried using Kiddle for the first time with our 5-year old when we searched for moons and the planet Jupiter. We look for pictures and watched videos.

The internet is a great educational and recreational tool that can help children learn about many things. In using Kiddle, though it is a safer way to browse contents in the internet, we should make sure we sit, stay involved and monitor what sites our children visit. As a rule, our son will be allowed to search for things he want to learn, even with Kiddle, when mom and dad is doing it with him.

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